The Dual Browser Technique

The Dual Browser Technique – Using both Chrome plus Brave to achieve the perfect separation of work/home.

I have a work life and a personal life, and an office computer and a home computer. Keeping it all straight has been a perpetual challenge (nightmare). This technique takes advantage of Chrome and Brave’s nearly identical… More

Testing Strike LNURL

This is a test of the Strike.Army LNURL Lightning payment service. Strike is a p2p payment service currently focused on international remittances over the Bitcoin/Lightning network. Strike also provide a robust API for others to utilize their payment rails. Below is a QR code and Lightning URL that enables us to receive Lightning payments… More

Nostr Project – iOS Browser Client

It is taking a long time for Nostr iOS app, Damus, to get through the Apple approval process. Having lived in that space for years, the process can easily become a nightmare. So how about building a Nostr client that is designed from the ground up to run in the iOS web browser.… More

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